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Dental Implants in Stuart, FL


As one of the first facial features someone notices about another, teeth play a vital role in how attractive a person is perceived to be. If one or more teeth are lost, especially in the aesthetic zone (the visible part of the smile), this can have detrimental consequences on the perceived beauty of the face as a whole. Missing teeth can cause as much psychological damage as physical, driving many patients to seek out solutions that not only reestablish lost function, but lost aesthetics as well. At our office in Stuart dental implants provide one of the most long-term and aesthetically-driven solutions to missing teeth dentistry offers today. With them, Dr. Michael Sohl has the power to restore one or more teeth, change the form of the jaw bone, and positively influence the outward appearance of the face. Once all these factors are in place, the renewed confidence our patients feel in their new smile is virtually unrivaled when compared with any other dental service we provide.

Doctor Sohl Discusses Dental Implants

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Dr. Sohl, Dentist Stuart, FL


Functionally, dental implants change the bony structure of the jaw bone by providing healthy stimulation that mimics that of a natural tooth root. This prevents further jaw bone loss, while creating a stable foundation for the restored dental crown. Dental implants also halt adjacent teeth from shifting, helping the bite remain aligned and strong. Aesthetically, dental implants widen the smile, eliminating “buccal corridors,” the dark spaces between the side teeth and corners of the mouth. Along with providing fuller cheeks and lips, dental implants are restored with a life-like and natural-looking dental crown. The dental implant will fit comfortably between surrounding teeth, with the most ideal blending of size, color, proportion, and shape with the other teeth. In fact, it will be impossible to distinguish your dental implants from the rest of your natural teeth!

To sum up some of the benefits of dental implants:

  • Stop teeth from shifting in your mouth because of empty spaces
  • Stimulate the jawbone to keep it healthy and whole
  • Keeps your mouth and cheeks from getting a “sunken” look because of lost jawbone
  • Fill gaps in your smile
  • The crowns fitted to a dental implant look just like your natural teeth, so no one will know you had work done
  • The best, most permanent tooth replacement option

Digital Treatment Planning

Dental Implants Stuart

All our dental implant cases begin in our Digital Smile Design Studio, where we take photographs of your smile, create 2D digital images of the teeth, and then build a 3D physical mockup of your new tooth to test out. During this time, we take high-quality intraoral images of the teeth and bone using the Cone Beam CT scan. This gives insight into the condition of the jaw bone, at what position the dental implants should be placed, and which type should be used. If a patient has suffered severe jaw bone loss in the upper jaw, many times we can use Zygoma dental implants, an alternative to traditional implants. These implants are longer in length and anchored in the cheek (zygomatic) bones, eliminating the need for bone grafting. Our Stuart cosmetic dentist is one of very few dentists formally trained in placing zygoma dental implants and uses 3D technology and software to help ensure the success of both zygoma and traditional implant surgery.

Guided Implant Surgery

Stuart Dental Implants

From the results of the 3D digital images, we create a very precise and custom surgical guide that is used during surgery to help ensure that the aesthetic outcome designed beforehand is guaranteed once surgery is complete. For simple-to-complex cases, these surgical guides provide greater precision and outcome predictably, and minimizes risks and complications with accurate guidance of placement angle and depth. With each dental implant surgery, we incorporate platelet rich fibrin, contrived from your own blood, to accelerate safe and healthy healing of the procedural site.

Final Dental Restoration

Dental Implants Stuart

All our dental implant cases are aesthetically-driven, with a focus on the final result first to determine how it will affect the face and smile as a complementary whole. The tooth designs we create in the studio are the most ideal in regards to shape, color, texture, and proportion for an outcome that balances perfectly with your facial appearance and structure. Specific materials are then chosen based on these factors, with the final 3D images sent to the dental lab for fabrication of the physical dental crown. We restore all dental implants in-house after the implants have undergone the proper healing time (about 3-4 months). In most cases, as also with all-on-4 dental implants, we can place temporaries the same day as your surgery!

Dental Implant Candidates

If you have good overall oral health, are in general good health, and have missing teeth that you’d like replaced, you would be an ideal candidate. In some instances, however, if you’ve been missing teeth in your mouth for a long time, your jawbone can begin to resorb (to be absorbed back into the body), creating a foundation that’s too weak for dental implants to be placed stably. In such instances, bone grafting would need to be done to fill in the missing bone and provide a stable platform for implants to be placed. The dentist can determine whether bone grafting is necessary during an initial consultation and exam. Additionally, in instances where your sinus may be too low for some top arch tooth implants to be placed, a sinus lift may be required.

Stuart Dental Implant Dentist


Dr. Sohl strives to provide you with the best dental implants Stuart has to offer and has been successfully placing dental implants since 1984 while working side-by-side with some of the top dentists in implant dentistry.

A member of the prestigious International Congress of Oral Implantologists, he stays abreast of the latest technology and surgical techniques to provide the best possible care for his patients with missing teeth. With every treatment plan, Dr. Sohl emphasizes both how the final outcome affects the aesthetics of the face and smile and how precision placement improves function and health. In every case, our dental implant process is facially-driven, determined by how the final results improve the facial appearance as a whole. In this way, each treatment is customized, precise, and offering the most ideal results for each of our unique patients!



When viewed as a one-time, though necessary, procedure, dental implant cost in Stuart, FL can seem expensive, especially when compared to dental bridges. Dental implants, however, provide more than a simple cosmetic fix for a missing tooth; dental implants can significantly improve a patient’s life by improving lost oral health, regaining smile aesthetics, and providing a substantial boost to self-confidence. Contrary to temporary restorations, dental implants are the only solution to missing teeth that can last a lifetime, while providing both beauty and necessary function to the smile. Choosing dental implants is choosing to invest in your long-term quality of life and overall confidence in your smile.



Though some patients only need to undergo the dental implant procedure itself, most patients need additional supplementary treatment to ensure that their dental implants remain strong and healthy.

If more than one tooth is missing, gum disease is present, or significant jaw bone loss has occurred, we will need to create a more comprehensive treatment plan. Even if you do require multiple procedures, our comprehensive services—bone grafting, tooth extractions, and sinus lifts—are completed in-house, so you will rarely, if ever, need to be referred out of our office for treatment. We plan all our dental implant cases digitally beforehand, helping you visualize the end result, and directing us to the best and most cost-effective treatment path for you. Factors that determine dental implant cost:

  • Bone Grafting
  • Tooth Extractions
  • Sinus Lifts
  • Ridge Augmentation
  • Socket Preservation


At our office in Stuart Dental implant cost is directly related to the experience and level of care provided by the implant dentist. We strive to offer dental care that is not only affordable to our patients, but provides them with the most aesthetic outcomes and the greatest long-term functionality modern dentistry can offer. Under the care of Dr. Michael Sohl, treatment is predictable, comfortable, and tailored to your exact dental needs. We never want our patients to suffer from failing oral health and declining self-confidence because of missing teeth. We will help you find the best possible solution for your circumstances and budget, without compromising on quality or beauty.


Is it better to get dentures or dental implants?

Dental implants are considered the best and most permanent tooth replacement option by far. Dentures only work to fill an empty space in your mouth with artificial teeth, and removable dentures require additional maintenance and daily application of adhesive. In addition, dentures do not stimulate the jawbone, unlike dental implants, so jaw bone loss occurs over time. Because of this, dentures often need to be replaced or adjusted, and you may still wind up getting a sunken look to your cheeks and mouth.

How long do dental implants last?

With proper oral care and regular dental checkups, dental implants themselves can last a lifetime. However, the crowns fitted on the dental implants may need to be replaced every 10 to 15 years.

Are dental implants worth the cost?

In the long run, dental implants can be well worth their cost. Other tooth replacement options are not as permanent or long-lasting, which would require additional cost as they need to be replaced.

Schedule a Consultation

Visit Dr. Sohl to begin your journey to a balanced, beautiful smile today!

When you trust your smile to Dr. Michael Sohl, you get experienced, innovative care from one of the nation's leading cosmetic dentists. He can restore your smile and eliminate painful or embarrassing dental issues. Schedule a consultation to begin your journey to a balanced, beautiful smile today.